Setiardi, Dicky
Prodi PG Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, IKIP Veteran Semarang

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Journal : Journal of Studies in Early Childhood Education (J-SECE)

Pengembangan Sikap Perilaku Anak melalui Proses Pembelajaran di Kelas Inklusi dan Reguler Afrianingsih, Anita; Setiardi, Dicky; Mufid, Mufid
Journal of Studies in Early Childhood Education (J-SECE) Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Nov 2018, Volume : 1, Number : 2
Publisher : Prodi PG Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, IKIP Veteran Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31331/sece.v1i2.675


Abstrak Tujuan penelitiannya yakni: mengetahui perbandingan dan mendeskripsikan perkembangan sikap perilaku anak melalui proses pembelajaran kelas inklusi dan reguler. Permasalahan yang diambil: apakah ada perbedaan hasil dan bagaimana respons anak-anak terhadap proses perkembangan sikap perilaku anak melalui proses pembelajaran kelas inklusi dan reguler?. Metode penelitiannya deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik analisis data untuk menghitung hasil penelitian menggunakan t-test (paired sample t-test dan independent sample t-test). Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan instrumen kisi-kisi berdasarkan indikator dan wawancara dalam bentuk pertanyaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu melalui Uji Group Statistic menunjukkan adanya Perbedaan hasil perilaku antara kelas reguler dan inklusi sebesar 0.296. Respons anak-anak terhadap proses pengelolaan kelas inklusi dan reguler melalui tiga variabel (rasa menghormati, menghargai dan menyayangi) menunjukkan prosentase berbeda yaitu pengelolaan kelas reguler, sikap perilaku anak sebesar 85% mampu menghormati dan menghargai teman lainnya, selanjutnya kriteria anak yang mau menyayangi sesama teman sebesar 75%, pengelolaan kelas inklusi, sikap anak saling menghormati memperoleh prosentase 92%, rasa saling menghargai memperoleh prosentase 87%, rasa saling menyayangi dengan prosentase 79%. Simpulannya bahwa ada perbedaan antara kelas regular dan inklusi, lebih baiknya proses pengelolaan pembelajaran PAUD difokuskan pada proses pengembangan potensi anak dalam ranah afektif untuk mewujudkan perilaku yang sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan.   Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Sikap Perilaku, Pembelajaran Kelas Inklusi dan Reguler                                                             Abstract The research objectives are: knowing the comparison and describing the development of childrens behavior attitudes through the process of learning inclusion and regular classes. Problems taken: are there differences in results and how do children respond to the development process of childrens behavior attitudes through the inclusive and regular classroom learning process? The research method is descriptive quantitative. Data analysis techniques to calculate the results of the study using t-test (paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test). Data collection instruments use observation and lattice instruments based on indicators and interviews in the form of questions. The results of this study, namely through the Statistic Group Test showed the difference in the results of behavior between regular classes and inclusion of 0.296. The childrens response to the process of managing inclusion and regular classes through three variables (a sense of respect, respect and love) shows a different percentage of regular classroom management, childrens behavior attitudes of 85% able to respect and respect other friends, then the criteria of children who want to love others friends by 75%, management of the inclusion class, mutual respect for children attain a percentage of 92%, mutual respect get a percentage of 87%, a sense of mutual affection with a percentage of 79%. The conclusion is that there are differences between regular and inclusive classes, the better the PAUD learning management process is focused on the process of developing the potential of children in the affective domain to realize behaviors that are in accordance with the development stage.   Keywords: Development of Behavioral Attitudes, Learning Inclusion and Regular Classes